Thursday, April 23, 2009

What To Eat Each Day For Looks And Health?

Fruits and vegetables are good source of vitamins. We need to eat a beauty food for looks and of course to have a healthy life.

Fruits and Vegetables that we need to eat each day for looks and health

Apple Cider Vinegar - It's heavy concentration of enzymes helps peel off dead skin cells. It breaks down fat and helps food digest properly.

Carrots - Maintain the outer layer of the skin to prevent premature aging.

Cheese - To ensure a happy smile, add a slice or two of hard cheese into your diet.

Citrus Fruits - Hold the skin cells together by forming collagen.

Cranberries - Keep urinary tract lining healthy.

Garlic - Helps combat wrinkles and restores tissue.

Nonfat Yogurt - High in calcium, which keeps your smile white and your teeth cavity-free.

Sweet Potatoes - Vitamin A is known to be a remarkable anti-wrinkling agent. The pleasing results is clearer, smoother skin.

Tomatoes - These "love apples" will keep you loving your skin. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium.


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